The Association’s Action spreads in two directions; informing the public
opinion about transplantations and handing out application forms on organ
Our Association has repeatedly organized lectures on Organ Donation to
several schools and municipalities.
In May 1997, our Association undertook the organization of the 1st
Panthellenic Festival on Organ Donation, in memory of the Anonymous Donor,
in collaboration with the Municipality of Metamorphosis, the Union of
Nephropathy patients, the Union of already Transplanted Patients, the
National Council of Transplantations and the Coordination and Monitoring
Transplantations Service - Several eminent scientists took part at the
Festival (Mr Laggouranis, Mrs Adami-Varka, Mr Sarris and the Archbishop
Ignatios Georgakopoulos participated at a discussion coordinated by the
well-known journalist Mr George Papadakis), as well as several artists. Mrs
Vera Krouska recided poems as well as a letter written by Antonis Samarakis
on that occassion, while Mr Kostas Rallis covered the event with his music.
During the Festival many activities took place; board games’ competitions
(chess - backgammon and ping-pong ) and painting contests for the children
living at this area. The Festival’s activities were completed with the
winners’ awarding and a music performance by the <Zig-Zag> group.