The Association collaborates with the <Drakopouleio> Blood Donation Centre and the <Amalia Fleming  Hospital>  Blood Donation Centre and has established in them two Blood Banks.  It has organised 23 Voluntary Blood Donations already, collecting about 2506 blood units so far.  It has disposed 1276 units and has a remainder of 1230 units.  Blood Donations are held in the 1st Elementary School Festivities room, in collaboration with the 1st Elementary School teachers and teachers from other school units, the students can watch the Blood Donation procedure during their visit, and are being informed by the doctor who is in duty in order to resolve whichever questions they might have.  It’s a pleasure watching young people constitute the majority of voluntary blood donors, a fact which indicates that the future of voluntary blood donation is going to be much better.

In November 1995, after a meeting with the Mayor  of Lykovrisis’ Municipality, it was decided that our Association would undertake the organization  of a lecture on Voluntary Blood Donation and the consultative support of the team which got engaged in this initiative.

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