The Association collaborates with the "Drakopouleio" Blood Donation Centre and the "Amalia Fleming Hospital" Blood Donation Centre and has established in them two Blood Banks. It has organised 23 Voluntary Blood Donations already, collecting about 2506 blood units so far. It has disposed 1276 units and has a remainder of 1230 units. Blood Donations are held in the 1st Elementary School Festivities room, in collaboration with the 1st Elementary School teachers and teachers from other school units, the students can watch the Blood Donation procedure during their visit, and are being informed by the doctor who is in duty in order to resolve whichever questions they might have. It’s a pleasure watching young people constitute the majority of voluntary blood donors, a fact which indicates that the future of voluntary blood donation is going to be much better.

In November 1995, after a meeting with the Mayor of Lykovrisis’ Municipality, it was decided that our Association would undertake the organization of a lecture on Voluntary Blood Donation and the consultative support of the team which got engaged in this initiative.


Our Association has carried out a lecture on bone marrow donation, in February 1993 in collaboration with Mrs Varla, (Director of "Elena Hospital" Immunology Department) and Mr N.Charchalakis, Hematologist.

In April 2000, after the sensitization of the greek people with the help of the mass media for the recovery of a compatible donor for Andreas, the little boy from Cyprus, 49 of our members have been standardized in collaboration with Mrs Varla in order to be at the disposal of the Hellenic Bone Marrow Donor Program.


Our Association has, in collaboration with the Red Cross Greek Department, repeatedly organized seminars on topics like "First-aid" and "Healthy Nourishment".

It has also organized lectures on health matters touching large masses of the population like; heart troubles, AIDS, osteoporosis, mastopathy.


Our Association organized in May 1991, in collaboration with the scoliosis team of the Fifth Orthopaedic Clinic from "KAT Hospital", a campaign on clinical examination of about 1000 Elementary and High school students in order to be examined for scoliosis.

May 2000 : Clinical examination of women living at the area, for mastopathy, in collaboration with the Breast Clinic of the Greek National Institute of Social Insurance.


Our Association has offerd humanitarian help at people living in Northern Epirus, Bosnia and Serbia in collaboration with the DOCTORS OF THE WORLD Organisation and the SOLIDARITY CARAVAN Organisation. It has also offered humanitarian help at the earthquake victims living at the area.

It has participated in all Amphictyonies since 1992 as well as in 2 International Meetings of Voluntary Blood Donors Organisations which were held in the city of Patras. Our Association is member of the Panhellenic Federation of volunteer blood donor’s societies . The members representing our Association in this Federation are members of the administrative council and are being elected by the administrative council on the basis of its general assembly resolution.


Our Association has made it a practice to reward all donors who have participated in 5, 10, 25 or more blood donation processes on the occasion of the annual cut of the New Year’s Pie.

The following people are honorary members of our Association: Mrs VARLA (Director of the ELENA Hospital Immunology Department), Mr George KASTRINAKIS (President of the Panhellenic Federation of Nephropathy Patients), Mrs Lela GRIGORIADOU (volunteering nurse of the Red Cross Greek Department), Mr St.THEODOROPOULOS (cardiosurgeon), Mrs K.LOUIZOU (former Director of AMALIA FLEMING Hospital Blood Donation Department), Mrs Jenny PITTADAKI (responsible for the attraction and maintenance of Volunteer Blood Donors Department), Mr A.LAGGOURANIS (Nephrologist, Director of ALEXANDRA Hospital Nephrologic Clinic) and Mr A.POLYCHRONIS (Director of the Breast Clinic of the Greek National Institute of Social Insurance).

In May 1992, our Association was fraternised with the "STELLA MANOLA-KOURTI" Volunteer Blood and Organ Donors Association from the city of Kavala.

In February 1994, our Association was honoured by the Panhellenic Federation of Greek Trainers, and in May 1999 was awarded a prize by the Panhellenic Federation of Thalassemia Associations.

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